May 05, 2023 in News Accident Benefits Claims

Accident Benefits Claims: 5 Common Causes of Truck Accidents According to Ontario Truck Accident Lawyers

5 Common Causes of Truck Accidents According to Ontario Truck Accident Lawyers

Seems like not a week goes by without a serious truck accident being reported in Ontario. The Ontario Provincial Police say truck-related accidents are up 40% compared to last year. Our Ontario truck accident lawyers have seen firsthand the devastating effects of truck accidents on individuals and families.

In this blog, we will explore the common causes of truck accidents in Ontario - and what you can do if you are involved in one.

These Are the 5 Most Common for Collisions Say Ontario Truck Accident Lawyers

  1. Driver Error

One of the leading causes of truck accidents in Ontario is driver error. This includes things like distracted driving, fatigue, speeding , and driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Ontario has faced a shortage of truck drivers, too, in the last few years. The pressure to add more drivers can mean shorter training periods and less experienced drivers.

  1. Aggressive Driving

"Aggressive driving was the cause or contributing factor in the majority of the 4,274 collisions involving large commercial vehicles this year", says the OPP .

More and more drivers of commercial vehicles are getting into preventable serious accidents. These can be due to things like speeding, tailgating, and blocking traffic. Reckless driving is a serious act, which is why Ontario courts have been open to granting punitive damages to victims .

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  1. Equipment Failure

Another common cause of truck accidents in Ontario is equipment failure. Even a single malfunction with the wrong part can cause a serious accident.

John Beaudry, president of Transport Training Centres of Canada, estimates "twenty percent of the trucks on the road likely have a defect that's so bad that truck should not be on the road."

  1. Weather Conditions

Unpredictable weather can create hazardous driving conditions for truck drivers. Snow, ice, and rain can make roads slippery and reduce visibility. What’s more, due to the size and difficulty manoeuvring when operating a truck, these normally dangerous conditions are only more threatening with trucks.

If a truck driver does not adjust their driving to account for these conditions, it can cause an accident.

  1. Improper Loading

Trucks are designed to carry heavy loads, but improper loading can cause an accident. Overloading a truck can make it difficult to manoeuvre and stop, while unevenly distributed loads can cause a truck to tip over.

It is the responsibility of the trucking company and the driver to ensure that the truck is loaded properly.

What Our Truck Accident Lawyers Say You Should Do After an Accident

If you are involved in a truck accident in Ontario, our truck accident lawyers recommend a few things:

Seek Medical Attention: Your health and safety are the top priority. Seek medical attention for any injuries as soon as possible.

Report the Accident: Contact the police to report the accident. It's important that an accurate police report is prepared after the accident.

Document the Scene: If you are able to, take photos of the scene, including photos of the damage to all vehicles, injuries, and the surrounding area.

Gather Information: Collect the contact and insurance information of the truck driver and any witnesses to the accident.

Contact Truck Accident Lawyers: Speak to personal injury lawyers about your accident. The sooner you get in touch, the sooner your lawyers can investigate the accident and ensure you receive the compensation you are owed.

Here’s the latest from Ontario’s roads:

  1. Bicycle Accidents: Bicycling Accidents in Toronto Are Going Through the Roof
  2. Car Accident: Car accidents: What causes a vehicle to rollover?
  3. Car Accident: Accidents on Ontario's highways spike to begin New Year

Contact Experienced Ontario Truck Accident Lawyers

Injuries resulting from a truck accident can be catastrophic and leave the injured parties without the ability to provide for themselves - which is where a personal injury lawyer comes in. It's not just the truck driver involved, the transport company and the truck owner may be liable, too. You need a team that can investigate the accident effectively and assert your rights.

At Neinstein Personal Injury Lawyers, our truck accident lawyers in Ontario have been helping victims of truck accidents for over 50 years, fighting to ensure they receive the care and compensation they deserve following an injury.

Schedule a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss your needs with our truck accident lawyers in Ontario.

Personal Injury Lawyer at Neinstein Personal Injury Lawyers Toronto

Sonia Nijjar

Associate, Medical Malpractice Lawyer

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Trucking accident


Neinstein LLP helps victims who have been injured in a trucking accident. We take care to investigate the circumstances surrounding the truck accident to protect your rights. We take a detailed approach to vigorously advance your claim ensuring that the at-fault party is held responsible to compensate you for your injuries.

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Personal Injury Lawyer at Neinstein Personal Injury Lawyers Toronto

Sonia Nijjar

Associate, Medical Malpractice Lawyer

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Area of Expertise

Trucking accident


Neinstein LLP helps victims who have been injured in a trucking accident. We take care to investigate the circumstances surrounding the truck accident to protect your rights. We take a detailed approach to vigorously advance your claim ensuring that the at-fault party is held responsible to compensate you for your injuries.

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At Neinstein we have been advocating for injured victims for over 50 years. Our committed and compassionate team will do everything necessary to help you and your family find solutions to the new challenges that arise from serious injuries.

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